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"I don`t know how you got here, if you wanted or was pure coincidence, but I am overjoyed that you came by. Please do not hesitate to tell your opinion, because on this blog I accept any opinions ... read it ... analyzes it ... comment on it, but especially enjoy it .... I want you to have a pleasant reading and a day full of smiles ..."

joi, 17 ianuarie 2008

Incubus - Pardon me

De cateva zile ascult o meodie incontinuu.... si parca nu ma satur de ea... ioana imi pare bine ca iti place melodia... poftim si versurile :D

A decade ago,
I never thought I would be,
at twenty-three, on the verge of
spontaneous combustion. -Woe-is-me.-
But I guess that it comes
with the territory,
An ominous landscape of
never-ending calamity.
I need you to hear,
I need you to see
that I have had all I can take and
exploding seems like an DEFINITE possibility
to me.

So pardon me while I burst
into flames.
I've had enough of the world
and its people's mindless games.
So pardon me while I burn
and rise above the flame.
Pardon me, pardon me...
I'll never be the same!

Not two days ago,
I was having a look
in a book
and I saw a picture of a guy
fried up above his knee.
I said, "I can relate,"
cause lately I've been thinking of combustication
as a welcomed vacation from
the burdens of
the planet Earth.
like gravity, hypocrisy,
and the perils of being in 3-D...
but thinking so much differently.

Pardon me while I burst
into flames.
I've had enough of the world
and its people's mindless games.
So pardon me while I burn
and rise above the flame.
Pardon me, pardon me...
I'll never be the same!

Never be the same, yeah...
Pardon me, while I burst into flames...
Pardon me, pardon me, pardon me.

So pardon me while I burst
into flames.
I've had enough of the world
and its people's mindless games.
So pardon me while I burn
and rise above the flame.
Pardon me, pardon me...
I'll never be the same!

Never be the same, yeahh!!

marți, 1 ianuarie 2008

shau e nebun :O

end of 2007

2007... a trecut. Un nou an ii ia locul si speram sa fie un an mai bun decat cel care s`a dus. Aud pe peste tot, la toate interviurile de la tv si radio "bilantul anului 2007" si toate raspunsurile par parca rupte din basme. "A fost un an bun din punct de vedere material" zicea o tzoampa care aparea la tv zilele trecuta(cred ca aia era Andreea Balan, daca nu ma insel), aia de la 3 sud est ziceau ca a fost un super an pentru ei au mai intampinat greutati, dar le`au depasit cu brio. Stau si ma intreb daca ai lua un simplu cetatean de pe strada si i`ai pune aceeasi intreabare oare care ar fi raspunsul lui? In nici un caz ca "A fost un an super, mi`a mers bine pe toate planurile, material, spiritual etc.Sunt foarte multumita de ceea ce am realizat, dar nu ma intreba cum am reusit ca e o reteta proprie si personala :))". Nu as putea sa zic ca nu am nimic cu vedetele de carton, ca nu e adevarat. Am ceva cu ele si sunt mandra ca nu fac parte din grupul ala de pupincuristi care cred ca daca vad un clip la tv cu respectivele gata sunt mari fani si nu mai pot de fani ce sunt, iar cand sunt cu prietenii care nu le impartasesc opiniile se ascund de rusine. Ceea ce am citat mai sus este tipul fetelor care "cica canta" din tara noastra(scuzati cacofonia). Le stiti si voi prea bine asa ca nu le insir aici.Cine stie cat au muncit la un anumit instrument, proprietate personala al celui care le`a lansat... Greu se traieste in tara asta... Si foarte usor se ajunge departe. Imi pare rau daca am deranjat fanii celor amintiti mai sus, nu a fost intentia mea. Desi daca va simtiti...imi pare rau pentru voi . Sa aveti un an nou asa cum vreti voi! Nu va zic sa il aveti fericit pentru ca o sa il aveti exact asa cum o sa vi`l faceti. Acestea fiind spuse... have a nice night.