Welcome to my blog ....

"I don`t know how you got here, if you wanted or was pure coincidence, but I am overjoyed that you came by. Please do not hesitate to tell your opinion, because on this blog I accept any opinions ... read it ... analyzes it ... comment on it, but especially enjoy it .... I want you to have a pleasant reading and a day full of smiles ..."

marți, 26 august 2008


Nu iubesc.... si sincer regret asta ...imi pare rau...:|

luni, 25 august 2008

Pozeeeeee :P

Holograf, 15 august, Club Cucaracha

vineri, 15 august 2008

hologaraf-doar o viata

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ASj_EbsW4Q ...azi 15 august Holograf au concert la terasa cucaracha in mamaia langa rex... promit ca revin cu poze de la concert :)....in rest toate cele bune...