Welcome to my blog ....

"I don`t know how you got here, if you wanted or was pure coincidence, but I am overjoyed that you came by. Please do not hesitate to tell your opinion, because on this blog I accept any opinions ... read it ... analyzes it ... comment on it, but especially enjoy it .... I want you to have a pleasant reading and a day full of smiles ..."

duminică, 30 ianuarie 2011

8 months

A mai trecut o luna... Incet, incet incepem sa adunam lunile una cate una si sa ne realizam propriul nostru univers. Te iubesc mult piersicuta mia si realizez ca si tu ma iubesti la fel de mult... Astept cu nerabdare sa se faca 19 februarie si sa vii acasa...I really miss you very very much... Te iubesc :*

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